“Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family”

~ the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon ~


Migration is an action resulted from the human ambition seeking for dignity, safety and a better opportunity. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family.

For centuries, migration has exemplified the human capacity for survival: the determination and resolve to overcome adversity in the hope of leading a better life. Today, migration is perhaps the most divisive issue facing in most of the developed nations, taking a major concern in the top of Western policymakers’ agendas.

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of International-Migrants-Day-9-1024x601All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 18 December 1990. International Migrants Day was established by the United Nations in 2000 in response to the increasing number of migrants in the world. Held annually on 18 December, the day aims to recognise the efforts, contributions and rights of migrants.

Since over a decade, the United Nations has invited all stakeholders to observe International Migrants Day through the dissemination of information on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants. In fact, yearly, the United Nations still continue with that noble effort by inviting UN Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations to observe International Migrants Day through sharing of their valuable experiences and successful strategy in ensuring the protection of migrants’ rights and their wellbeing in all around the world.

To mark this year’s International Migrants Day, the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) is calling on the global community and youth to come together and remember the importance of protecting human rights and welfare of all refugees and migrants worldwide. We would like to utilise this day to call upon global respect for those refugees who have tragically lost their lives or lives of those that they love. Our aim is to help the communities to fulfil their responsibility to assist and secure well mobile population because migrants are more likely to be subject to hardship, human rights violations and discrimination in crisis situations.

In our effort in embracing Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we would like to wish to all a Happy International Day of Migrants Day! Because obscurities of the world migrants and refugees are matter to us!



– Working & Studying – The Changing Trends of a young workforce – 22nd December, 2015

To attend this important Development Round Table session which will see participants present challenges and opportunities around the theme of ‘Working & Studying’ including discussion on key issues that affect this from becoming more the norm in Malaysia and other developing Asian Economies. Contact us Today